Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Looks like our Pabst Painting has made it into the finals! (Pabst!) We will be delivering the piece to the Pabst headquarters this week!

Cuvée showing

Thank you everyone who came down to Cuvée for our showing! We look forward to seeing you there on gallery night in April! The work will remain up from now through gallery night so if you're in the area stop by and check it out!

Star Bar Gallery

Follow the link bellow to see some pics from our Star Bar event!

Star Bar event pictures on The Milwaukee Scen

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Upcoming Archie Events!

APRIL 16th and 17th

Gallery Night at Cuvée

Cuvée will be showcasing our work APril 16th and 17th for the Milwaukee Gallery Night, and event that brings many art lovers to the Third Ward to see the art of Milwaukee at it's finest!

Cuvée - 177 N. Broadway, Third Floor. Milwaukee, WI 53202

Also stop by The Arts Building to see the Archie Andros studio, as well as a collection of personal artwork from members of the group.

Multiple artists showing at The Arts Building. Large variety of work including drawing,
painting, pastel and illustration from artists Patricia Gilman Graham and Lois Buley from
Art Upstairs Gallery, Carol Kerr from Carol Kerr Studio, Cole Norton, the Couto Brothers,
Sterling White and Loren Foster.

133 W. Pittsburgh Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53204



Archie Andros at Cuvée

Archie Andros will be having a gallery opening at Cuvée on Friday Feb 19th at 8 pm. Cuvée is an elegant Champagne lounge in Milwaukee's Third Ward. The work will be up through the April Gallery Night, so be sure to check it out!

Cuvée - 177 N. Broadway, Third Floor. Milwaukee, WI 53202


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

found this song on Pandora and it led me to this amazing music video!


A great music video to the song Reciever by Wagon Christ

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fantastic Animation!! Very fortunate to come across this!

"Wail to God" Music Video from Anthony Schepperd on Vimeo.

Archie Andros artist Chris Couto in KFC commercial

During his time spent in India Archie Andros artist Chris Couto ended up in a KFC commercial! - he appears for one second at 0:02 at the bottom left corner with shades on! and yellow shirt - hilarious!

8 Hour painting @ Art Bar

Archie Andros adds its creativity to the "One Week" painting at Art Bar in Milwaukee (the locaton of one of our previous shows). Each week a new artist/artists paint over the existing painting, often times leaving elements of the previous piece. See the time lapse video to see what Archie did for our week in the spotlight!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Projection technology

Very interesting technology.

Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world

Simply amazing.

Monday, February 8, 2010


PABST PAINTING! Archie Andros collaborated with artist Sterling White on a submission to the Pabst Art competition! ( We already won some awesome Pabst shirts and a really nice collector's item Pabst bag at the local competition, so now its off to Nationals. The winner of the National competition gets a check for two grand and a year supply of Pabst beer, Woohoo! Wish us luck!

Live Art Success!!

LIVE ART at STARBAR! What a night! StarBar was the place to be in Milwaukee last Friday night. The Archie Andros crew did a live painting in front of the venue while DJ's CHRIS V & JASON SAMONIK tore it up all night with some fantastic beats. The turnout was great, everyone had a blast, and we produced two awesome pieces of artwork! The crowd was really getting down with the artwork and the beats, some people even got to throw some paint around and add their own touch to the work. Even the windows into it. . . ending up covered in paint and tags by the end of the night! Looks like we might be doing a monthly show there, so look for us in the front window of StarBar if you're in the area and looking to get down to some music and art! We have pieces hanging all over the club, from the front bar to the lounge and VIP booth, so feel free to stop by there and see the work!

The Bakery

The new studio (dubbed "The Bakery") is officially operational! Everything has been moved in, and with the help of two lovely ladies has been completely organized. The space is simply amazing, the creative possibilities are just endless. We are all looking forward to the summer when we can open all the windows to feel the warm breeze and listen to the trains go by (first we need to make it through to the end of this frigid winter though!). Our new space is located right in the Fifth Ward of downtown Milwaukee. We will be hosting a number of shows there for Gallery nights, so we will be sure to keep you updated as to when those will be happening, and how to find us . . . Time to make some Cakes and Muffins!

Archie Andros gets some helping hands!

"Boston" Rich, a good friend of Archie Andros, brought his daughters Sophia Mathey and Ava Mathey to the Archie studio to get into some painting! It was a wonderful experience to see the creativity of the girls as they worked on the piece. The result was astounding, and has quickly become one of our personal favorites. The piece is currently relaxing in our new studio but will soon make its new home at Tippecanoe School for the Arts and Humanities in Milwaukee where Sophia spends her days learning and creating. We had the pleasure of visiting the school to see the space where the piece will be hung, and got to meet some amazingly talented students and teachers (not to mention see the student's wonderful artwork, which is hung all over the school). The schools website is if you're interested in learning more about Tippecanoe!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Live Painting at StarBar

Looks like we will be doing a live painting at StarBar in Milwaukee this Friday! We will also be hanging a number of pieces there. Here is a excerpt from the venue promo from Facebook:


THE ART OF ARCHIE ANDROS which consists of 5 mke artists (chris couto, alex couto, cole norton, jay wuerch, jeremy wuerch) COMING IN TO DO A LIVE, ON THE SPOT ACRYLIC PAINTING IN THE FRONT OF THE VENUE + DISPLAYING A GALLERY THROUGHOUT THE CLUB!!

Check out a teaser of their work!!!


(from the guys who brought you Boom! & The Fixx!)

~ WHOA! ~ Electro/Disco/Indie ALL OUT RAGING PARTY!!!

Milwaukee's Newest Ladies Night! EVERY Friday @ STARBAR!

Featuring $1 RAIL MIXERS FOR LADIES 9pm-1am
+ $2 PBR's and $5 Tall Belvedere Mixer Specials!


Doors @ 9pm
No Cover / No Code

631 N. Milwaukee St."

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Studio!

Well looks like we have found a new home for Archie Andros! Here it is!