Monday, February 8, 2010

Live Art Success!!

LIVE ART at STARBAR! What a night! StarBar was the place to be in Milwaukee last Friday night. The Archie Andros crew did a live painting in front of the venue while DJ's CHRIS V & JASON SAMONIK tore it up all night with some fantastic beats. The turnout was great, everyone had a blast, and we produced two awesome pieces of artwork! The crowd was really getting down with the artwork and the beats, some people even got to throw some paint around and add their own touch to the work. Even the windows into it. . . ending up covered in paint and tags by the end of the night! Looks like we might be doing a monthly show there, so look for us in the front window of StarBar if you're in the area and looking to get down to some music and art! We have pieces hanging all over the club, from the front bar to the lounge and VIP booth, so feel free to stop by there and see the work!

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